phone: +302286025672

open hours:  24/7

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32 years of experiance , 5 promises!!!

Our company through the years of field experience in tourism, and specifically in car rental, deeply believing that the relationship between a company and its clients is the constructed level of confidence, would like to promise and guarantee that you are going to have a wonderful and unforgettable experience during your car rental, from the very first moment of your request till the last moment of your rental.  As a result we would like to ensure you five important things:


  1. Brand new cars.
  2. No hidden extras and unwelcome surprises, upon the delivery.
  3. The best prices in the competitive “rent a car” market.
  4. Direct communication (the client will have the personal phone number of one of our employees).
  5. Impressive deals and discounts for the holders of our Member Club Card.


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Sunbird Car Rental